We’re all afraid of something. Most of us would admit to at least one thing that scared us. What is for you? Is it the dark, spiders, clowns.. or would you admit the fear of rejection, being hurt, or feeling vulnerable?
Fear is something that seems to be part of a daily routine in some form or another, but God tells us not to be afraid 365 separate times in the Bible. That’s enough for every day of the year. Fear may be present in our lives, but God doesn’t want it to be.
Whatever that fear is that you have this morning or have had this week or month, I want to encourage you to cast it to Jesus’ feet. He is wayyy bigger than any fear we could possess and He has never wanted us to be afraid. Trust in God today.
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self- discipline.” -2 Timothy 1:7
“Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s great pleasure to give you the kingdom.” -Luke 12:32